Monday, 6 April 2009

BAD BAD BAD Energy companies!!!!

Whilst watching Watchdog (23 March) my blood really began to boil! Last year along with everyone else I experienced my energy bills shooting through the roof. In fact they went up an average of 40%. How convenient that this happened at the time of year when we use the most! Now, finally the 6 biggest energy suppliers have kindly said they are going to cut their prices by, wait for it .......10%!
They told us the prices went up due to the rising cost of wholesale gas. But, last October it began to fall, it has now almost halved! So, how is it fair that when wholesale prices go up the energy companies bump our prices up quick as a flash. Yet, when wholesale prices come down dramatically they dither over whether to put their prices down and 6 months down the line they decide, oh go on then, but not too much though the wife wants a new Mercedes! Arrrgghhh it makes me so angry, I just don't know how they get away with such blatent robbery!

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