Friday, 17 April 2009

Drinking whilst pregnant

Comment on Claire's blog 1st April.
I have to disagree with Claire here. The bar man should not have refused to serve the woman. She was having a quiet night out with friends and was treating herself to a couple of drinks. This is her right, it is her body and her baby. It's not as if she was a young girl clearly intoxicated whilst pregnant! Do you think he would have refused to serve a regular who came in every day and downed 6 pints? Would you walk up to a pregnant woman in the streets and tell her to stop smoking? Although I would disapprove of it I wouldn't interfer as it's not my place to do so. There is plenty of information out there informing woman on the dangers of drinking and smoking whilst pregnant, they are old enough to make their own choices, it is no ones right or place to tell them what they can or can't do (ok well doctors and nurses are an exception).

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